
Spoedkoeriers.com specialises in delivering your deliveries quickly and flexibly, both nationally and internationally. We do that at a very competitive kilometer price.

Whether it’s Amsterdam, Maastricht, Groningen or Milan, Barcelona or Berlin we deliver your package or goods efficiently and quickly.

If you would like more information or a quote, please contact us at info@spoedkoeriers.com. You will receive a quote within 15 minutes!

Our prices


Within 15 min. A quote!

Picked up within 30 minutes!

Economy price:

43 ct/km

Within the city:


Prices are between 08:00 en 18:00

Call or email us for the other rates.

Application form

    Pick up address

    Your email (mandatory)

    Customer name (mandatory)

    Street + number (mandatory)

    PC + Place (mandatory)


    Delivery address

    Customer name (mandatory)

    Street + number (mandatory)

    PC + Place (mandatory)


